Did you know that young readers are creating a sensation posting short videos of themselves reading and recommending books on TikTok ? Sometimes they even sob uncontrol-lably into the camera over unhappy endings. And unexpectedly, it's having a huge influence on book sales!
“It becomes this very emotional 45-second video that people immediately connect with,” the director of books at Barnes & Noble told The Times. “We haven’t seen these types of crazy sales — I mean tens of thousands of copies a month — with other social media formats.”
Some publishers send free books or even pay the videomakers per post, although for now the practice isn't widespread. I'm sure it won't be long before it is!
Shall I start adding videos to my posts of me crying over a tragic tale or cheering for a happy hero?
Information above (Natasha Frost, The New York Times Morning Briefing, 3/24/2021)
More information here.

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REWARD: I will feature you in a post (resulting in instant fame and riches)!
I couldn't access the Times article because I've already used up my free articles for the month :(
Is it about BookTok? I took a look at some BookTok videos--no crying, though there was one girl who took a picture of herself in tears after she had just finished a book she loved. Good for her! A lot of what I saw was YA though, and I hadn't heard of any of them. I am so old!