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Becoming Duchess Goldblatt by Anonymous

2021, First Mariner Books

Uncommon but evidently not impossible to publish a book under no name, in Becoming Duchess Goldblatt, this anonymous writer tells her real life story, and explains how she created Duchess Goldblatt on Twitter as a way to distract herself during a difficult divorce. She opened an account under that name and started tweeting words of wisdom, anecdotes, and whatever she felt when she took on the persona of the Duchess. She was surprised when she started having a fairly significant set of followers including well-known writers (one here; another here) and her favorite singer Lyle Lovett. She eventually let Lovett in on the secret; they met after one of his concerts and became friends.

Her often humorous tweets, included throughout the book, reveal a clever and very human writer who, as Duchess Goldblatt, touched many followers and found some healing for herself along the way.

People often ask me what fictional people see in their dreams. We dream of you.

- Duchess Goldbatt Tweet (121)

Becoming Duchess Goldblatt is a story about the importance of community -- of kindness, acceptance, and friendship. The world would be a better place if we all became Duchess Goldblatt. - Lyle Lovett

Personally, I'm not a tweeter; I sometimes have trouble grasping meanings expressed in so few words! But if you are, visit Duchess Goldblatt.

Thanks, Jess. You'll always be a Duchess to me!


Quote (not tweet) from book

"If you've ever wondered what the right thing is to say to someone who's grieving a death, I think this is it: Tell me all about your dear one." (209)

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