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Back to Blog Tea

I asked Jo to not give me snacks (waistline watch), so she gave me these very tiny stars instead of the bigger ones!
Tea and Jo's twinkle little star cookies

Hello readers! After a 2-month hiatus during the Covid crisis, my friend Jo welcomed me back to the "office", a room in her house where I work on Mondays. Today I optimistically aimed for starting early, at 9:30 am, but instead arrived even later than usual at 11. Maybe it's a Monday thing.

I don't know why I didn't do more blogging during the lockdown (confinement in French). It wasn't easy to concentrate knowing the pain many people were experiencing due to the virus. I didn't read that much, maybe four books in all. (Stay tuned for upcoming posts on those books by Anita Brookner and William Styron.)


Back to blog rose from Jo

So I'm glad and thankful to be back. Thank you, Jo for the office and the tea, lunch and chats. Also, thank you to Ali, my web designer, for telling me about the special discount deal on Wix, so I now have my own domain,, woo-hoo! Also, thank you to my son Dylan who says he's impressed every time he gets a notification, because "it's cool I'm doing a blog", even if he rarely reads the posts. And thanks to my captive audience Julia, Sue, Yvonne, Eunha, and Becky. Also a special thanks to Blessing (lovely name, isn't it?), one of my former students who pleasantly surprised me with a call recently. (A post of her book is also forthcoming.)

What's with all the thank-you's? Did you win an award?

Alas, my friends, my only reward is the joy of reading and writing. Unless...I hereby award myself the DoHappy Award. You can win one too by doing something that makes you happy today, and telling about it in the comments section.

Also, I'd love to hear about any books you read during the confinement, and how you felt about reading at that time? Was it easier or harder than usual?

Welcome back, stay healthy.

P.S. Love in the time of Corona...

Congrats to Julia & Thomas, married in March on Zoom!

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3 commentaires

07 sept. 2020

Glad to see you are back to writing your blog Kellie! That makes me happy!

I had a really hard time concentrating during lockdown and did not manage to read AT ALL! I preferred to be doing, and so spent a lot of time spring cleaning and cooking.

PS Congratulations Julia and Thomas!


01 juin 2020

Thanks Blessing!


Blessing Okoro
Blessing Okoro
25 mai 2020

Hello Kellie,

I'm literally smiling :) Thank you so much for this!

Reading your post today is one of the things that made me happy...

I hereby award you the DoHappy award 😁

With thanks,

Blessing ❤️

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