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Petite Series: Lessons from a century of life by Edgar Morin

2021, Editions Denoël

Leçons d'un siècle de vie (French title)

SUMMARY: French sociologist and philosopher Edgar Morin recounts lessons learned during his now more than 100 years of life spanning his antifascism during the Spanish civil war; resistance during WWII; and adherence to the idealism of communism (1941) before leaving the party, disillusioned.

QUOTABLE: After having noted with despair of the lack of interaction between people in modern life, Morin says, "I think, like Ivan Illich, that conviviality is intrinsic to the quality of life, to life's poetry, and that it meets the need for recognition that we all have, and which is met when strangers we come across in everyday life say hello." (p 57, my translation from the French)

RATING: Recommend if you have extra time.

Petite Series explained here.

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